Friday, September 23, 2016

link to usa today article

Obama rejects terrorism lawsuit bill, setting up first veto override battle

   The article from the USA today informs the U.S. Public that President Obama had vetoed a bill today. This bill would have allowed U.S. citizens to sue countries that their citizens had taken part in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other similar attacks. The reason the president had vetoed the bill was that the ” The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA, would provide an exception to the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," which holds that one country can't be sued in another country's courts” ( cited from the article linked above).
This would not allow us to be immune to these types of lawsuits anymore, if this were to pass , that is why the president vetoed the  bill. The republican head of the senate said he will have this overturned quickly. The two presidential candidates both said that they would not veto. In short, this article was about  the president not passing a bill when members of the senate would and the presidential candidates would.This article is worth reading because it talks about how and why the president vetoed the bill . Also, it gives the reaction of the bills sponsor and how he reacted, and the candidate's responses to what they would have done  in that situation if they were president.

Usa today

link to article

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